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Rhodiola and green tea, combined with magnesium and B-vitamins, may improve the brain’s processing …

Stress can have a negative impact on cognitive functions. This secondary analysis from a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study on moderately stressed healthy adults, showed the positive acute effects of a combination of magnesium, B vitamins (B6, B9, B12), rhodiola and green tea extracts enriched in L-theanine on brain EEG theta activity during attentional task performance conducted u ...

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Auteur: Thamiris Tavares, Milana Dan en Lionel NoahEFSM: 2024;4:240025DOI: 10.52778/efsm.24.0025Datum: 25.04.2024

Headache treatment with the fixed dose combination ibuprofen plus caffeine (400/100 mg)

Results from a pharmacy-based patient survey

Headache affects many people and can – in most cases – be successfully treated with over-the-counter analgesics. What are the patients’ characteristics? How do they experience the effects of the treatment with ibuprofen plus caffeine (400/100 mg; IbuCaff)? How does the treatment response to IbuCaff compare with other treatments? A pharmacy-based patient survey run in German community pharmaci ...

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Auteur: Thomas Weiser, PhDEFSM: 2024;4:240019DOI: 10.52778/efsm.24.0019Datum: 23.03.2024