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Zelfmedicatie is een belangrijke pijler van de gezondheidszorg

… en net zoals bij een behandeling voorgeschreven door een arts, moet dit worden onderbouwd met het beschikbare bewijs. Evidence for Self-Medication (eFSM of Wetenschappelijk bewijs voor zelfmedicatie) stelt bondige reviews voor van relevant onderzoek betreffende vrij verkrijgbare geneesmiddelen en werkzame stoffen. Zo kunnen apothekers en andere beroepsbeoefenaars uit de gezondheidszorgsector het best mogelijke – en wetenschappelijk onderbouwde – advies verlenen over zelfmedicatie. 


Alle eFSM-artikels hebben een peerreview ondergaan. Ze zijn beschikbaar in Duits en Engels en veel ervan ook in andere talen.

How community pharmacists facilitate optimal constipation self-management

Constipation, a common ailment, often finds its first line of management at a community pharmacy. As the relevance of self-medication increases, pharmacists play a pivotal role in patient education, primary consultation, and evidence-based treatment recommendations. A crucial aspect of this role is offering relief while recognizing when to suggest additional medical consultation [1].

Naar het artikel
Auteur: Christian Ude, Eric Martin, Dilhan Esen en Daniel PohlEFSM: 2024;4:240053DOI: 10.52778/efsm.24.0053Datum: 21.12.2024

Acetylsalicylic acid 1,000 mg: strong evidence and good tolerability in acute headache management

Headaches are most prevalent in middle age and not only have an immediate impact on the quality of life of those affected but also significantly influence their work and overall productivity. The majority of sufferers manage acute headaches through self-medication. National and international guidelines recommend acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) as a first-line treatment, with the scientific evidence for ...

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Auteur: Jens SeibelEFSM: 2024;4:240051DOI: 10.52778/efsm.24.0051Datum: 17.10.2024

Deciphering the daily disruption of cough: the role of ambroxol in patient recovery and quality of …

Ambroxol is a mucoactive agent which has been widely used to treat acute and chronic respiratory diseases associated with a disturbance of mucus formation and transport. More recent data demonstrated that acute and chronic cough have also significant negative impact on the daily lives of adults and children. This article evaluates the impact of ambroxol on cough recovery speed and quality of life, ...

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Auteur: Heidemarie Graeter, Lara Jagwanth en Anne-Laure TardyEFSM: 10.52778/efsm.24.0045DOI: 10.52778/efsm.24.0045Datum: 16.10.2024

Are all stimulant laxatives the same?  A comparative perspective on bisacodyl, sodium …

Stimulant laxatives, such as bisacodyl, sodium picosulfate (SPS), and senna, are recommended to treat constipation, based on the recent AGA/ACG guideline [1], with different levels of recommendation and evidence. They all stimulate intestinal motility, as well as water and electrolyte secretion, and accelerate intestinal transit time [2, 3]. Herbal laxatives cannot be generalized to be gentler com ...

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Auteur: Maura Corsetti, Anna Lacerda, Ketu Patel en Alèxia AranEFSM: 2024;4:240040DOI: 10.52778/efsm.24.0040Datum: 15.09.2024

The importance of real-world evidence (RWE) using the example of a diclofenac pain relief gel and a…

Real-world evidence (RWE) studies are gaining increasing importance in medical research because they investigate drug therapy use under everyday conditions. Two recent RWE studies in the field of self-medication exemplify the added value that this methodology offers for the evaluation of medicinal products.

Naar het artikel
Auteur: Dr Markus ZieglmeierEFSM: 2024;4:240035DOI: 10.52778/efsm.24.0035Datum: 30.07.2024

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Ambroxol increases cilia beating in the airways to remove the mucus. A new study has shed light on further details of the signalling pathway responsible for the mucokinetic action.